Multi-Kategorie-Retailer treiben das Wachstum mit Centric Retail PLM schneller voran, während sie Produkte für mehr Channels entwickeln und einführen. Optimieren Sie die Entwicklung von Eigenmarken und White-Label-Produkten und das Produktsortiment, steigern Sie die Rentabilität und liefern Sie qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und ein atemberaubendes Einkaufserlebnis, das Ihre Kunden lieben werden.
Centralized merchandise development planning tools in Centric Retail PLM help multicategory retailers to gain visibility and establish targets earlier, track progress against the in-season plan, identify products that aren’t meeting targets sooner and optimize assortments faster.
Maximize product introduction success, variety and profitability with one accessible, digital space for faster decision-making and the ability to test ‚what-if‘ scenarios that take the guesswork out of successful product introductions. Easily see complex product mixes across branded and private label assortments to identify development opportunities and increase margins as you expand into more markets and more channels with more product variety.
Boost private label product development by connecting product developers, category managers, merchandising teams and external suppliers to instantly share the most up-to-date product information and assortments plans. Improve communications, drive collaboration and condense product development timelines.
Centric Retail PLM improves the development efficiency of products co-created with your suppliers’ input and expertise. One person can handle thousands of supplier proposals by centralizing supplier responses in one place, eliminating data entry in endless spreadsheets and reducing costly and time-consuming errors to get a wider variety of products to market faster.
Centric Retail PLM streamlines product sourcing and material buying by centralizing all product related data. PLM replaces multiple spreadsheets and thousands of emails, which vastly improves supplier communications.
High-volume and direct to factory sourcing maximizes the potential for profitability. Centric Retail PLM empowers retailers to launch and evaluate supplier requests en masse while automatically consolidating RFQ responses and supplier notes in one centralized digital space.
Streamline and automate sample reviews with mobile, 3D technology and take advantage of AI to quickly visually search style libraries for materials that can be re-used and re-ordered from suppliers, enabling you to develop more innovative products, faster.
Digitally transform the way you manage product quality with Centric Retail PLM’s Final Inspection module and PLM-connected mobile app. Protect your brand value and reputation by ensuring product quality doesn’t slide as the pace and volume of new product introductions accelerates.
Digital mobility frees teams to increase the number of inspections they carry out while eliminating paper notes that need to be manually entered in PLM, and inspection information is available instantly in real time to everyone that needs it. Inspectors can work on or offline and automatically upload notes and images directly connected to live product specifications already entered in PLM.
Using Final Inspection, it’s easy to sync and assign action items to the entire inspection team using calendar management and create powerful. actionable reports based on up-to-date data that can be shared across all departments.
Die marktorientierte, Cloud-basierte, mobile PLM-Technologie gibt Retailern die Möglichkeit, neue Produkte schneller auf den Markt zu bringen, die Zusammenarbeit mit Suppliern und das Co-Design von Produkten zu verbessern, Produktinnovationen zu fördern, die regionale Compliance und korrekte Produktkennzeichnung sicherzustellen, die Qualität zu steuern, das Time-to-Market zu verkürzen und die Kosten zu senken.
Definieren Sie Einkaufssitzungen neu, indem Sie die Art und Weise, wie Teams zusammenarbeiten und Entscheidungen treffen, vollständig verändern und die Meetings für regionale Retail- und E-Commerce-Teams verbessern.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die bahnbrechenden digitalen Touchscreen-Boards für PLM!
Mit der Retail-Review-App für Mobilgeräte können Sie bei Vor-Ort-Bewertungen in Stores Notizen erstellen und Ihre Beobachtungen aufzeichnen. Veröffentlichen Sie PDF-Reports und Pläne für Korrekturmaßnahmen wieder im PLM-System, um die Konsistenz des Visual Merchandising zu gewährleisten und den Ruf Ihrer Marke zu schützen.
Erfahren Sie, wie mobile PLM-Apps Ihre Teams verbinden können!