Centric’s best-in-class PLM solution incorporates a deep understanding
of the business processes used to develop consumer products.
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Request a demo
Le PLM Centric 8 pour l’industrie du luxe améliore l’efficacité de vos processus complexes.
Pour les grandes marques du luxe, il est essentiel de pouvoir assurer le plus haut niveau de qualité des produits, en restant fidèles à leur tradition artisanale. Le développement de produits de luxe demande l’utilisation de matières nobles et coûteuses et mérite une attention particulière, afin que les produits finis correspondent aux attentes d’une clientèle toujours plus exigeante.
Caractéristiques et avantages
Le PLM Centric 8 permet aux marques de luxe de se concentrer sur les matières, la créativité et la qualité, afin de continuer à inspirer et captiver leurs clients dans le monde entier.
- Expérience de Centric avec les leaders mondiaux du luxe
- Amélioration de l’efficacité globale dans le respect des normes de qualité
- Contrôle rigoureux des processus dans les ateliers.
Demander une démonstration
Die Centric 8 PLM-Software für Luxusgüter gestaltet einen anspruchsvollen Produktentstehungsprozess effizienter.
Die Ansprüche an Qualität und Verarbeitung sind nirgendwo so hoch wie in der Luxusgüterbranche. Edle und teure Materialien beeinflussen Produktentwicklung und -herstellung, wobei die Anbieter von Luxusartikeln stets darauf bedacht sind, dass das Endprodukt die Erwartungen ihrer Kunden erfüllt.
Funktionen und Vorteile
Dank der Centric 8 PLM-Software können sich Luxusmarken auf Material, Design und Qualität konzentrieren und so Produkte schaffen, die der Welt als Inspiration dienen und ihre Kunden begeistern.
- Machen Sie sich Centrics Erfahrung mit globalen Luxusgüterherstellern zu Nutze
- Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, wenn es darum geht, hohe Ansprüche an Design und Qualität zu erfüllen und Kunden an sich zu binden
- Steuern Sie Ihren Herstellungsprozess
Demo-Version anfordern
Grazie alla soluzione PLM Centric 8 per i beni di lusso, anche i processi più complessi diventano efficienti.
Gli standard di eccellenza nella qualità e nella lavorazione ai quali devono allinearsi i produttori di beni di lusso sono senza pari. Con materiali pregiati e costosi che dettano e ispirano il design dei prodotti, i grandi marchi del lusso devono impegnarsi al massimo per assicurarsi che i loro prodotti finiti soddisfino le aspettative dei clienti.
Funzionalità e vantaggi
Il software PLM Centric 8 consente alle case di lusso di concentrarsi sui materiali, sul design e sulla qualità che saranno motivo di ispirazione per i loro clienti in tutto il mondo.
- Esperienza di Centric con aziende globali del lusso
- Efficienza nel mantenimento degli standard di stile e qualità e della fidelizzazione dei clienti
- Capacità di controllare da vicino i processi di lavorazione.
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Marcas de lujo
El software Centric 8 PLM para productos de lujo hace más eficiente un proceso lleno de exigencias.
Los estándares de calidad y fabricación aplicables a los fabricantes de productos de lujo no tienen parangón. Materiales opulentos –y caros– impulsan e inspiran el diseño y el desarrollo de productos, mientras que las marcas se concentran en garantizar que los productos finalizados cumplan con las expectativas del cliente.
Características y prestaciones
El software Centric 8 PLM permite a las marcas de lujo centrarse en los materiales, los diseños y la calidad que inspirarán al mundo y cautivarán a los clientes.
- Experiencia de Centric con empresas de productos de lujo de todo el mundo
- Alcance eficiencias para mantener los estándares fundamentales de calidad y estilo, así como la fidelidad de los clientes
- Capacidad de controlar de cerca los procesos de los talleres de trabajo.
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ラグジュアリーブランド用のCentric 8で、高い精度が求められる業務をより効率的に
Centric 8 PLMを導入すると、業務全体を効率化して、世界を魅了し顧客の心をつかむために重要な要素であるデザインや品質、素材に関する業務に重点的に取り組みことができます。
- 世界のトップブランドが導入
- デザイン力、品質基準、顧客ロイヤルティを効率的に維持管理
- 生産現場をコントロール
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Luxury Brands
Centric 8 PLM software for luxury goods makes an exacting process more efficient.
Quality and workmanship standards for luxury goods makers are unmatched. Opulent – and expensive – materials drive and inspire product design and development, while brands concentrate on ensuring that finished products match customer expectations.
Features & Benefits
The Centric 8 PLM software lets luxury brands focus on the materials, designs and quality that will inspire the world and captivate customers.
- Centric experience with global luxury goods companies
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Ability to closely control workroom processes
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Learn More
Biens de consommation
Le PLM Centric 8 pour les biens de consommation vous permet de réduire les délais de mise sur le marché.
Qu’il s’agisse de snowboards, d’accessoires de sport ou de produits de décoration intérieure, l’industrie des biens de consommation est en pleine évolution. Les processus de développement, de sourcing et de fabrication sont désormais dispersés géographiquement. La solution PLM Centric 8 permet de partager, en temps réel, les informations sur les produits, les catégories, les marques et les saisons entre tous les contributeurs à travers le monde.
Caractéristiques et avantages
- Sourcing, gestion des fournisseurs et conformité des produits
- Spécification des produits et planification des collections
- Visibilité et analyse des opérations.
Demander un devis
Die Centric 8 PLM-Software unterstützt Anbieter von Bekleidung, Retail, Schuhen, Luxus- und Konsumgütern darin, ihre Produkte schneller auf den Markt zu bringen.
Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um Anbieter von Snowboards, Outdoor-Bedarf, Kinderwägen oder Wohnaccessoires handelt – in der schnelllebigen Konsumgüterbranche ist es durchaus üblich, weltweit einen oder mehrere Entwicklungs- und Herstellungsstandorte und ein weltweites Lieferantennetz zu haben. Für Anbieter von Konsumgütern bietet die Centric 8 PLM-System die Möglichkeit, Echtzeit-Daten über mehrere globale Niederlassungen, Produktkategorien, Marken, Saisons und Kollektionen hinweg zu teilen.
Funktionen und Vorteile
- Verbesserte Übersicht über Sourcing-, Lieferantenmanagement- und Compliance-Prozesse
- Einfacheres Erstellen von Produktspezifikationen und nachhaltigere Sortimentsplanung
- Besserer Einblick und größere Transparenz in Bezug auf Ihre Geschäftsprozesse
Preisauskunft anfordern
Beni di largo consumo
Grazie al PLM Centric 8, i produttori di beni di largo consumo possono velocizzare l’introduzione di nuovi prodotti sul mercato.
Che si tratti di attrezzatura sportiva, di passeggini per bambini o di prodotti per la decorazione della casa, i produttori di beni di largo consumo fast-moving devono coordinare il processo di sviluppo prodotto tra le varie funzioni aziendali coinvolte. Progettazione, sourcing, produzione sono però sempre più spesso dislocate in località differenti. Grazie al software PLM Centric 8, le aziende del settore possono condividere le informazioni riguardo alle categorie di prodotto, ai brand, alle stagioni e alle collezioni in tempo reale.
Funzionalità e vantaggi
- Gestione del sourcing, dei fornitori e delle conformità
- Specifiche di prodotto e pianificazione della collezione
- Visibilità e analisi dei processi.
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Productos de consumo
El software Centric 8 PLM para empresas de ropa, venta al detalle, calzado y productos de lujo y consumo ayuda a acelerar la salida de los productos al mercado.
Desde tablas de snowboard y materiales para actividades al aire libre hasta cochecitos de bebé y productos para la decoración del hogar, las empresas de productos de consumo de hoy en día, siempre en rápido movimiento, diseñan en diversos lugares, se abastecen en otros y fabrican en otros aun distintos. El software Centric 8 PLM para productos de consumo les permite compartir datos en tiempo real en diversas ubicaciones, categorías de productos, marcas, temporadas y colecciones en todo el mundo.
Características y prestaciones
- Aprovisionamiento, gestión de proveedores y cumplimiento normativo
- Especificación de producto y planificación de líneas
- Visibilidad y conocimiento del negocio.
Obtener información de precios
アパレル、小売り、フットウェア、ラグジュアリーブランド、コンシューマ・グッズ企業向けのCentric 8 PLMで、スピーディな商品化をサポート
スノーボード、アウトドア用品からベビーカー、インテリア用品まで、コンシューマ・グッズを扱う企業では、ますます早くなる時代の流れに合わせて、世界の様々な場所でデザインや調達、生産を行っています。Centric 8 PLMを使うと、時間や場所を問わず商品カテゴリー、ブランド、シーズン、コレクションのリアルタイムな情報を共有できます。
- 調達、サプライヤ管理、コンプライアンスの遵守
- 商品の仕様やライン計画の管理
- 状況を可視化し、実態を把握
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Consumer Goods
Centric 8 PLM software for apparel, retail, footwear, luxury and consumer goods makers helps speed products to market.
From snowboards and outdoor gear, to baby strollers, to home décor products, today’s fast-moving consumer goods companies design in multiple locations, source in others, and manufacturer in yet others. Centric 8 PLM software for consumer products lets them share real-time data across multiple global locations, product categories, brands, seasons and collections.
Features & Benefits
- Sourcing, vendor management and compliance
- Product specification and line planning
- Business visibility and insight
Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
フットウェア業界特有のニーズに合わせた、フットウェア用Centric 8 PLM
- アイテムごとの商品構成管理・互換性管理 (ソール用の金型や、アッパーとラストの組み合わせ・制約等の管理)
- デザイン力や品質基準、顧客ロイヤルティの維持を効率化
- 仕様書(BOM)の一括置換や、素材・色・サイズの一括変更が可能に
El software Centric 8 PLM para calzado está en sintonía con las necesidades de los fabricantes de calzado.
Su sofisticada capacidad de estructura de productos permite a las empresas reutilizar y volver a adaptar estilos y diseños básicos y modificar variables específicas. Mediante normas y estructuras de productos del sector bien definidas, Centric 8 crea eficientemente listas de materiales válidas.
Características y prestaciones
- Gestión de la compatibilidad de la estructura del producto
- Alcance eficiencias para mantener los estándares fundamentales de calidad y estilo, así como la fidelidad de los clientes
- Reemplazo colectivo (lista de materiales)/modificación colectiva (material/color/tamaño).
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Il software PLM Centric 8 per il settore calzaturiero è al passo con le esigenze dei produttori.
Ciò che caratterizza la complessa struttura della scarpa consiste nel consentire alle aziende di riutilizzare e riproporre stili e design di base, cambiandone le singole variabili. Mediante l’uso di strutture e regole definite dell’industria calzaturiera, Centric 8 crea in modo efficiente distinte base adeguate.
Funzionalità e vantaggi
- Gestione della compatibilità della struttura della scarpa
- Efficienza nel rispettare gli standard di stile e qualità, essenziali alla fidelizzazione dei clienti
- Sostituzione di massa (distinte base)/modifica di massa (materiali/colori/taglie).
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Die Centric 8 PLM-Software bewegt sich im Gleichschritt mit den besonderen Anforderungen der Schuhbranche.
Dank des ausgeklügelten Produktstrukturmanagements können Unternehmen in der Schuhbranche Basis-Styles und Designs einfacher wiederverwenden und individuelle Variablen austauschen. Unter Verwendung branchenintern festgelegter Produktstrukturen und Vorschriften erstellt Centric 8 ganz unkompliziert und effizient eine komplette Stückliste für ein komplexes Produkt.
Funktionen und Vorteile
- Branchenübliches Produktstruktur-Kompatibilitätsmanagement
- Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, wenn es darum geht, hohe Ansprüche an Design und Qualität zu erfüllen und Kunden an sich zu binden
- Neuproduktion (Materialstücklisten) / Änderungen (Material, Farbe, Größe) in großen Mengen
Demo-Version anfordern
Avec le PLM Centric 8, le développement produit chez les fabricants de chaussures a bonne allure.
La solution prend en charge les configurations de produits les plus complexes et permet de réutiliser les modèles de base, en modifiant uniquement les variables souhaitées. En utilisant les structures et les règles définies par l’industrie, Centric 8 permet de créer efficacement des nomenclatures valables.
Caractéristiques et avantages
- Gestion de la compatibilité et de la structure des produits
- Plus d’efficacité pour respecter les critères de style et de qualité
- Remplacement en masse (nomenclatures)/modification en masse (matière/couleur/taille).
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Centric 8 PLM software for footwear is in step with the needs of footwear makers.
Sophisticated product structure capability lets companies easily re-use and re-purpose base styles and designs, and change out individual variables. Using defined industry product structures and rules, Centric 8 efficiently creates valid bills of materials.
Features & Benefits
- Industry product structure-compatibility management
- Bring efficiencies to maintaining critical style and quality standards, and customer loyalty
- Mass replace (bill of materials)/mass change (material/color/size)
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Moda, abbigliamento e accessori
Il PLM Centric 8 supporta le aziende della moda nell’affrontare un mercato in rapida evoluzione. Perché le ultime tendenze non possono aspettare.
La soluzione PLM Centric 8 per la moda offre benefici concreti ai marchi e ai retailer della moda, delle calzature, degli accessori e del tessile per la casa.
Funzionalità e vantaggi
- Condividere l’informazione in tempo reale riguardo a prodotti, stili, collezioni, brand e stagioni
- Generare un ritorno sull’investimento già dalla prima stagione
- Eliminare errori, duplicazioni e attività a basso valore aggiunto.
Richiedi una demo
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Request a demo
Mode et textile
Centric 8 accompagne les professionnels de la mode sur un marché qui évolue rapidement. Parce que les dernières tendances ne peuvent pas attendre.
La solution PLM Centric 8 apporte des résultats concrets aux marques, aux enseignes et au fabricants du secteur de la mode, de l’habillement, de la chaussure, des accessoires et du textile de maison.
Caractéristiques et avantages
- Partage de l’information sur les produits, les styles, les collections, les marques et les saisons en temps réel et entre tous les contributeurs
- Possibilité de retour sur investissement dès la première saison
- Elimination des doubles saisies, des erreurs et des tâches administratives.
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Mode und Bekleidung
Die Centric 8 PLM-Software für Luxusgüter gestaltet einen anspruchsvollen Produktentstehungsprozess effizienter.
Die Ansprüche an Qualität und Verarbeitung sind nirgendwo so hoch wie in der Luxusgüterbranche. Edle und teure Materialien beeinflussen Produktentwicklung und -herstellung, wobei die Anbieter von Luxusartikeln stets darauf bedacht sind, dass das Endprodukt die Erwartungen ihrer Kunden erfüllt.
Funktionen und Vorteile
Dank der Centric 8 PLM-Software können sich Luxusmarken auf Material, Design und Qualität konzentrieren und so Produkte schaffen, die der Welt als Inspiration dienen und ihre Kunden begeistern.
- Machen Sie sich Centrics Erfahrung mit globalen Luxusgüterherstellern zu Nutze
- Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, wenn es darum geht, hohe Ansprüche an Design und Qualität zu erfüllen und Kunden an sich zu binden
- Steuern Sie Ihren Herstellungsprozess
Demo-Version anfordern
Moda y productos de consumo no duraderos
El software Centric 8 PLM para productos de lujo hace más eficiente un proceso lleno de exigencias.
Los estándares de calidad y fabricación aplicables a los fabricantes de productos de lujo no tienen parangón. Materiales ostentosos –y caros– impulsan e inspiran el diseño y el desarrollo de productos, mientras que las marcas se concentran en garantizar que los productos finalizados cumplan con las expectativas del cliente.
Características y prestaciones
El software Centric 8 PLM permite a las marcas de lujo centrarse en los materiales, los diseños y la calidad que inspirará al mundo y cautivará a los clientes.
- Experiencia de Centric con empresas de productos de lujo de todo el mundo
- Alcance eficiencias para mantener los estándares fundamentales de calidad y estilo, así como la fidelidad de los clientes
- Capacidad de controlar de cerca los procesos de los talleres de trabajo
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ファッション業界用Centric 8 PLMは、刻一刻と変化するトレンドに対応するために、1秒たりとも無駄にできないファッションブランドをサポートします
- 商品カテゴリー、ブランド、シーズン、コレクションをまたいだリアルタイムの情報共有
- 1シーズンで投資対効果を実現
- 事務作業を減らし、ミスや作業の重複を防止
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Fashion & SoftGoods
Centric PLM software for fashion and soft goods retailers helps companies with no time to waste in a fast-moving market.
Centric 8’s PLM solution for fashion produces real results for specialty retailers, private-label brands, footwear and accessories, and home fashions.
Features & Benefits
- Share information in real time across products, styles, collections, brands and seasons
- Generate ROI in one product season
- Eliminate duplication, errors, low-value tasks
Le PLM Centric 8 se charge de vos produits, du développement au consommateur.
Jusqu’à 50 % des nouveaux produits introduits sur le marché n’atteignent pas leurs objectifs de vente. Pour faire face à cette situation, les enseignes de distribution savent qu’elles doivent offrir à leurs clients une expérience d’achat cohérente sur tous les canaux de distribution. Le PLM Centric 8 accompagne le cycle de vie de vos produits, depuis les toutes premières phases du développement jusqu’en magasin, en offrant aux distributeurs une visibilité capillaire de l’expérience client à tous les niveaux.
Caractéristiques et avantages
- Une expérience cohérente de la marque, quel que soit le canal de distribution
- Synchronisation des programmes de lancement de nouveaux produits avec la mise en place en magasin
- Simplification du processus d’évaluation de la performance au niveau du point de vente.
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Mit der Centric 8 PLM-Software lässt sich der gesamte Produktentstehungsprozess nachvollziehen – von der ersten Idee bis zum Fertigungsmanagement.
50 % der neu entwickelten Produkten erfüllen nicht die Vertriebsziele. Kompetente Retail-Anbieter wissen, dass sie auf allen Vertriebskanälen ein konsistentes Einkaufserlebnis bieten müssen, um dies zu ändern. Die Centric 8 PLM-Software verfolgt Produkte von der ersten Idee bis ins Regal, wodurch sich für Retail-Anbieter die Kundenerfahrung besser nachvollziehen und gegen Unternehmensstandards prüfen lässt.
Funktionen und Vorteile
- Garantiert ein konsistentes Markenerlebnis über alle Vertriebskanäle hinweg
- Gleicht Pläne hinsichtlich des Produkt-Launchs mit der Vertriebssteuerung ab
- Vereinfacht die Leistungsbeurteilung von Einzelhandelsunternehmen
Demo-Version anfordern
Il PLM Centric 8 segue i prodotti durante l’intero processo di sviluppo, dalla fase concettuale al cliente finale.
Fino al 50% dei nuovi prodotti lanciati sul mercato non raggiungono i rispettivi obiettivi di vendita. Per evitare che ciò si verifichi, i retailer più competenti sono consapevoli della necessità di fornire un’esperienza di vendita coerente su tutti i canali. Il software PLM Centric 8 accompagna i prodotti dalla loro ideazione fino alla distribuzione sugli scaffali dei negozi, consentendo ai retailer di monitorare facilmente l’esperienza cliente e di misurarla rispetto agli standard aziendali.
Funzionalità e vantaggi
- Garanzia di un’esperienza del brand coerente, indipendentemente dal canale di vendita
- Allineamento dei piani di lancio del prodotto con la retail execution
- Semplificazione del processo per il controllo delle prestazioni degli operatori.
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Venta al detalle
El software Centric 8 PLM acompaña al producto desde la inspiración hasta la gestión de la ejecución.
Hasta un 50 % de los productos nuevos no alcanzan los objetivos de ventas. Los minoristas con conocimiento saben que tienen que ofrecer una experiencia de venta uniforme en todos los canales para cambiar esta situación. Centric 8 PLM acompaña a los productos desde la fase de inspiración hasta el estante de la tienda, lo que permite a los minoristas supervisar fácilmente la experiencia del cliente y compararla con los estándares de la empresa.
Características y prestaciones
- Garantiza una experiencia de marca uniforme, con independencia del canal de ventas
- Armoniza los planes de lanzamiento del producto con la ejecución en la venta al detalle
- Simplifica el proceso de inspección de la actuación de los vendedores minoristas.
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Centric 8 PLMを使えば、デザインのインスピレーションから販売管理まで、プロセス全体で商品の状況をトラックできます
新商品の最大50%は、販売目標を達成できていないと言われています。この状況を打破するためには、すべてのチャネルで継続的に販売を伸ばせるように、調整しなくてはなりません。Centric 8 PLMは、商品アイデアのインスピレーションから、その商品が実際に店頭に並ぶまで幅広いプロセスをサポートします。また、カスタマーエクスペリエンスを簡単にモニターし、社内基準に照らし合わせて確認できます。
- すべてのチャネルで一貫したブランディング
- 発売計画に合わせて販売活動を最適化
- 小売りの業績監査をシンプルに
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Centric 8 PLM software follows products from inspiration to execution management.
Up to 50% of new products fail to meet their sales goals. Sophisticated retailers know they need to provide a consistent selling experience across all channels in order to change that. Centric 8 PLM ushers products from inspiration to the store shelf, allowing retailers to easily monitor customer experience and measure that against company standards.
Features & Benefits
- Ensures consistent brand experience, regardless of sales channel
- Aligns product launch plans with retail execution
- Simplifies process for auditing retail operators’ performance
Request a demo
Centric PLM will help us standardize our processes to work more efficiently together.
With Centric Pricing & Inventory, we have been able to increase the gross profit margin by 2% – 4% with a significantly lower markdown rate. Most importantly, our inventory has not increased as a result.
We have reduced our price reductions by about 2.5%. That translates into a 1% margin increase, which, on a 300 million-euro turnover, is a 3 million-euro increase to our bottom line. That’s quite a lot; more than we were expecting at the beginning of the project.
It's just so much better that we're able to update in one place and have that affect every other team's work. This eliminates the need for duplicating work across numerous Excel sheets.
I will use three phrases to summarize the cooperation between Centric and us: 1. stable software platform, 2. strong and professional team, and 3., excellent customer service.
Centric Market Intelligence is like having an invisible member on your team to back you up on every decision that you make.
Our target was clear — we had to digitalize processes, drive efficiencies and decrease operating costs.
S.Oliver Group
Previously, we stored product information and tracked them manually in spreadsheets. Now, it's all available with a single click. Our teams can quickly access archived data for material comparisons, margin analysis, and product performance and quality control.
Bagster Retail
It’s like the Tower of Babel where you have the creative people speaking their language and the data geeks speaking only data but Centric Visual Boards act as the translator.
Swarovski – 2 – Tower of Babel
I see Centric Market Intelligence as a useful tool to streamline how we view and operate the business as it relates to our positioning competitively—from an assortment standpoint, a pricing standpoint, finding those whitespace opportunities, and really knowing when and how to react to business trends.
Neiman Marcus
We are excited to have the Centric suite of tools on board at Wolverine. Based on our experience, demos and interaction with Centric Software, I fully anticipate that our speed-to-market will increase, data accuracy will improve and it will free up time for users to focus on more strategic work rather than data entry.
Wolverine 2
I had an ‘aha’ moment when I saw the visualization of the data. I thought, ‘Oh, yes, that’s what we’ve been missing!
The Merchant and Design teams have had their eye on [Centric Visual Assortment Board] for years. We’re just so excited that we are taking this step!
The executives know that we need to move quickly with the market and we can't do that without the software that's going to help us make everything more efficient.
Duluth Trading Co.
We can reduce the time it takes to complete the entire process from planning to development. Product master data from Centric PLM is integrated with downstream systems, so we avoid duplicate maintenance of data in different systems.
Product marketing was spending 1-1.5 days to create a specific report that they use most. Now, with the click of a button, you can have it in 15 minutes, max.
A reason we brought in Centric PLM is to get much smarter and ahead of what is selling—slippers were very hot and now slippers are not selling at the same rate. How do we plan further back and understand what we're designing into and marry it up to what we currently own?
BBC International
We love the platform and find it user friendly. We're happy with the finished product.
Great Kitchens
I believe there will be a 'before and after' aspect within our company. Besides helping us to be more efficient and dynamic, [Centric PLM] will allow us to decentralize authority and decision-making power within the structure. By having total visibility throughout the process and being able to move bottlenecks forward, strategic alignment will be guaranteed.
Before PLM, our time-to-market was 160 to 180 days. We have already reduced it to 145 days for several brands and 120 days for the Bonprix brand after implementing Centric PLM. Our goal is to accelerate it by up to 90 days (a 50% reduction).
We want to reduce the amount of bad information that’s going to the factory or vice versa… Centric PLM is a single point of entry and a single point of exit. Information is in one spot and one spot only.
Chaser – Single point of entry
Our Centric Planning implementation is part of a global digital transformation, and we are thrilled with the visibility and data management that we now have
REPLAY – visibility and data management
Today, it is not possible to thrive without a foundational tool like Centric PLM.
The great thing about this collaboration is that we can measure our success. How much of this assortment do we want to have, from season to season and from year to year. We not only want to know what is going on with our business through our internal data but also to measure ourselves against what is going on in the market and this is where Centric Market Intelligence is really crucial.
We were in a meeting a couple of weeks ago, and wondered, what is Competitor X doing? And within seconds, you had a quick gauge of what they do.
If you don’t have the data, it’s a little bit of a guessing game. What we really needed was a lot more data in order to base our decisions on facts and not feelings.
What we have now with Centric Planning is complete data visibility and a single version of truth across the company. This empowers teams to be more flexible, agile and reactive.
We see great development potential and numerous applications for Centric PLM, and hope to continue leveraging PLM to promote efficiency and lay a solid digital foundation for the development of the company.
What we have now with Centric Planning is complete data visibility and a single version of truth across the company. This empowers teams to be more flexible, agile and reactive.
Before, when you changed a style, it would mean updating it in five or six different places. Now when you make a change, you make it once and it goes everywhere.
The software is good and the [Centric] people are better. That’s really important to us, me.
We’re approving new products faster than ever before because we’re completing our reviews in one place, Centric PLM.
Prodiet Medical Nutrition
Cosmetic compliance screening software is beneficial for companies wishing to ensure their product can be commercialized in the country or region of their choice. The system verifies correct naming, allergen thresholds (including traces and warnings), market-specific labeling requirements, CNCP, safety margins and more.
During the first lockdown, we had an issue with our old PLM system where it basically went down on us. So completely remotely, both the Centric and Bioworld teams were able to spin up Centric, meeting our demand wholeheartedly.
...It's been transformative for the teams. It takes hard work to do this and can be painful, but once you get to the other side, the fact that you can eliminate the 14 different places that everybody's having to update, and have one central source of truth that can also then feed your other systems, is amazing.
We believe that Centric PLM is the best solution to achieve our goal of visualizing procurement status and sharing product plans with our team.
Yutori Inc.
With our company and our growth, we got to the point where we absolutely couldn't keep up with it anymore. When we hit that point, we brought Centric on.
Dudley Stephens
When implementing a new digital solution, the most challenging part is to connect both existing solutions and new solutions seamlessly. Centric PLM has done an outstanding job in that respect.
We were able to go live on time and on budget because of several factors. Firstly, the experience of the Centric implementation team.... Second, is the highly configurable nature of Centric PLM which does not require any customization. And finally, Centric’sAgile Deployment Methodology which rolled us out incrementally, using micro adjustments and a smooth handover to the ASICS teams.
Centric Software offers the best of two worlds: real knowledge of fashion, coupled with a high level of professionalism in terms of software and IT.
Marc Jacobs 2
Centric is the base of everything we do at our product innovation and design center.
Fast Retailing
Because Centric PLM™ is so fast and easy to use, people are able to do a more thorough job, create more products and improve quality oversight.
Helly Hansen 2
Thanks to close collaboration between the Guangzhou Restaurant R&D center and the Centric Software team, the PLM project has achieved the fastest and most user-driven implementation among all it projects ever carried out by Guangzhou Restaurant Group.
Making changes to the BOM in Excel for 30 to 50 different styles. Then, in a separate place, we were making changes to the measurements.
The tech packs for the Badlands jacket is 30 pages long with over 200 items in the BOM and 5 colourways. You’re managing 1000 different things in that style to make sure production is done correctly. Something that would be impossible to manage without Centric PLM.
Klim BOM blog
Implementing Centric PLM has enabled the digitization of business units of planning, design and supply chain, and the dots have been connected to digitize the entire business process.
Mark Fairwhale
We wanted a solution where we could right from the start focus on what the team do best and that is planning." …"we are able now to synchronize bottom up and top-down planning processes and everything is linked together...
About You
Thanks to Centric’s ability to separate out materials and details, we can track materials down to a garment level.
Pearl iZumi
Joining forces with Centric, we look forward to establishing integrated product databases that include raw materials, formulas, regulations, materials and packaging, as well as achieving standardization and digitalization for innovation initiatives.
SNS Food Co. Ltd
Centric PLM has helped us gain full visibility into all product-related data to easily track and implement compliance changes, identify affected products and make quick decisions to comply with regulations.
With the new Centric Planning solution, buying and merchandising teams can work more collaboratively and are saving time because manual data entry has been eliminated. Being able to create what-if scenarios empowers teams to make strategic decisions faster and achieve sales and margin targets.
After a show or a sales meeting, everything we need to place an order is ready in the BOM. The only thing we need to do is enter any requirements a specific customer might have. This saves us 8 days of work.
We feel very strongly supported by the Centric CAMS support team. Any time we have an issue, we can get an answer immediately. We have the support when we need it. It is the greatest benefit, I think!
Ernsting’s family
Before COVID, we had a 5.6% operating margin at the end of fiscal year 2020. We closed this past year at 12%. It is a huge improvement in profits! ...If we had had a lot of inventory, we could not have done it. Centric Planning has been an enabler to truly follow our strategy and increase our profitability in a very, very big way.
Despite apprehension about user uptake of a new IT system especially with designers, teams embraced centric PLM which helps them better collaborate, improve functionality and maximize efficiency.
We used to have significant gaps in product know-how, a lack of historical materials information and difficulties in communication between designers and suppliers. Now, Centric PLM holds an up to date, accessible library of product and materials knowledge, as well as a way for designers and our external partners to collaborate interactively in real time.
Entering styles in the system used to take the Snow team two weeks, and it now takes them a day and a half, almost 7x faster than the old way.
We have increased accuracy in costing, improved sampling one time through rate by 80% and reduced the time spent preparing materials to create samples.
VT Garment
Every department now wants to go further, faster and stronger with the help of PLM.
Wolf Lingerie
It took some time to adapt. We now know that everyone has access to correct information all the time. Even better, there is no data duplication required or even allowed, which saves us a lot of time
YOOX net a porter
Centric PLM is the system where we store all our information. Speed to market is key for us especially on the new product innovation side, because we want to keep fresh with our retailer.
Wicked Kitchen
This flexibility gave us a make or buy scenario, as we call it. It was a very big benefit and, obviously, improves our product margins.
The data is all really easy to manipulate to give you the perfect report that your executive team is looking for.
Frankies Bikinis
Centric PLM is a powerful factor in boosting our R&D efficiency.
Our advice for other multicategory retailers is, you need to know what processes you want to shift and what changes you want to make. Decide on your priority areas and group similar product types together.
Centric PLM is a definite contributor in reducing Nina Ricci’s time to market by as much as 15 days.
Nina Ricci
Centric is so heavily integrated into everything. We’ve actually discovered a lot of opportunities for more organization, more SOPs, more and greater efficiencies. That’s been the most exciting part of all of this.
We have actually reduced our supplier base, even though we are growing, as we are able to work effectively with a small number of core factories through Centric PLM.
Outward Hound
The implementation of PLM saves us time and material costs, and allows us to continuously amass experience, thus realizing data aggregation throughout the value chain to form PurCotton’s brand DNA.
More and more leading clothing manufacturers have implemented Centric PLM. Unlike other providers whose solution is mostly based on an order oriented way of thinking, Centric has a truly product oriented way of thinking, which is crucial to optimizing our services. Moreover, the Centric team is professional, and we enjoy working with them.
SC Fashion
Having one centralized place to enter data, clear ownership of data and the ability to integrate that with all of our downstream systems is a massive time saver, which translates into cost savings down the line.
Shoes For Crews
Everyone is working in one central system. This cuts employee time spent on tasks to minutes, when it could have taken hours or even days previously.
Silver Jeans Co
We have experienced a decrease in time to market and we have greater control over our collections, enabling us to connect teams, from design to merchandising, to coordinate product launches more effectively.
Studio F
We only choose to cooperate with the most innovative companies, and Centric Software is completely in sync with us on this point. As the world’s most prestigious digital transformation platform provider, Centric Software has rich experience in both the fashion and retail industries.
Our selection team included a wide range of users across different departments and every single one of them selected Centric as their preferred solution.
With Centric PLM, our data is now much more reliable since each product is automatically associated with its retail price, store format and category.
Tape à l’Œil
We knew that the right PLM provider would be able to share best practices from their experiences with other partners and Centric has a wealth of specialized knowledge.
Centric PLM is affordable, has everything we need out of the box and the suite of additional modules make it scalable as our needs evolve. We wanted to lay foundations to help us grow, not just for the next two years, but for the next five or ten.
PLM has become one single source of truth in the creative process that didn't exist before.
We can now report on where a single fabric is being used across all divisions and use that intelligence to better formulate purchase orders and obtain better prices on high volumes from our suppliers.
Tom Tailor
Across the board, the quality of information that Centric PLM now provides has improved almost everything we do.
Centric PLM is an indispensable support for the collection! Finally, a multi disciplinary tool that is easy for all teams to use, from China to France and in between. We can track the lifecycle of each product from start to finish, from monitoring to analysis.
There was another company that we were strongly considering, but we would have had to mold it into what we needed it to be, vs. Centric, which is already what we wanted.
We’re now twelve months into adding direct to consumer online as one of our channels and Centric has been instrumental in helping us keep up the pace of development we need to do that.
Our designers and merchandising team used to take about ten days for one collection. Now, with Centric’s help, it takes three to four days.
Urban Revivo
With Centric, the accuracy has improved drastically, which also obviously reduces time and that’s been the huge improvement for us.
When we generated our first tech pack there was this moment where everyone was really proud of what we’d accomplished. The tech packs are beautiful!
Basic data on materials, patterns and processes was scattered in the past. Preparing for a buying session would take us seven days. Today, that work can be completed with a simple click in Centric PLM.
Centric PLM gives us the ability to assess not just the volume but also the quality of our innovation.
There is now an internal rule: if it isn’t in Centric, it doesn’t count!
We started to work with Centric Software and it’s already helping us to launch products more reliably.
KIKO Milano
How we communicate is really consistent and our factories and suppliers are used to that. And that is made possible by Centric PLM.
To meet the needs of our international customer base, we have to be capable of delivering new products and new colorways at any moment, and Centric 8 helps us to respond to this challenge.
With Centric Software, we are saving a lot of communication time. Previously Lever Style had different processes for each department with duplication of work, but now everyone is on the same platform and work is streamlined.
Lever Style
Today, considering the benefits we get every day from this innovative technology, I can say that the solution is worth the financial investment faced by the company, and I would have no doubt if I had to buy it again.
Mannifattura Valcismon
I really cannot stress enough how much more efficient everything we do has become since we moved to Centric Software PLM.
Marc Jacobs
Having Centric in place saves everyone about 10 to 15 percent of their time on a day to day basis, mainly because people don’t have to spend time searching for the right answers, asking questions and re-confirming whether information is up to date.
Marine layer
We can see everyone else’s work in a single click. That didn’t happen before.
Centric Fashion PLM has always been at the forefront of applications and innovations in the fashion and retail industry. The PLM system provides a fundamental platform for integrating upstream and downstream supply chain systems.
There has been a holistic change throughout the organization. If there’s a question, Centric is the first place anyone goes for an answer.
I know we’ve saved six figures a year in project management time, simply by having a collaborative system and a single, actionable version of the truth.
Modern Gourmet Foods
Centric really helps us to be faster. In the old days we needed at least 16 to 18 weeks from sketch to sample delivery. Now, with Centric, it takes 11 to 12 weeks for a normal collection.
Designers can approve samples while we’re discussing them which means that everyone can work more effectively. The time we save allows us to focus on activities that help us grow.
Mud Pie
Centric 8 enables us to have an overview of all trims and materials in the actual collection at an early stage, which allows our buyers to achieve better pricing from the suppliers.
We have increased BOM accuracy by 30%, and our manufacturers tell us we have the most impressive product documentation of all their customers. It was already 90% accurate; now it’s 99 % accurate!
Mystery Ranch
Centric aggregates information without any manual intervention allowing us to access information right away.
A single source of truth, rapid information access and enhanced visibility enables us to focus on launching better products at a better cost, faster.
We continue to find new ways to leverage process and technology with Centric as the partner we selected to grow with and think about our business several years from now, not just what's coming up in the next 18 months.
PLM became that classic single source of the truth, so that we could have a really high quality, highly trusted source of information about all the products that we’re bringing to market.
Data quality has been improved significantly resulting in close to zero data mismatches, while time spent updating product information across styles and seasons has been reduced by roughly 50%.
We also like the graphic capability of seeing each design with information such as size charts readily to hand. We can easily move from one item to the next as we develop and implement changes. That has really driven value.
Barco Uniforms
We know where to find the truth and we can trust it.
Communication across teams has become a lot smoother. People can rely on the information they get and really focus their energy on being efficient and creative.
Bestseller China
The flexibility and best practices embedded in Centric PLM and the project’s Agile Deployment methodology enabled us to react quickly and gave us immediate visibility when the US made the decision to impose tariffs on Chinese goods.
Big Lots
I see Centric PLM as vital for expansion into different categories by being able to create products and bring them to market more quickly, with fewer errors along the way.
The Agile Methodology helped us standardize our tools which allowed better time management, especially when creating a tech pack.
We had just introduced a new reservoir design and that meant redesigning 90% of our pack line, but even with that added challenge we managed our initial go-live in just twelve weeks. In my experience of high technology and SaaS deployments, that’s a remarkable figure.
We've been able to accelerate product development time thanks to Centric Footwear PLM. Centralizing all product data has enabled us to streamline the management of over 1400 products a year.
Centric PLM gives me comprehensive and extensive visibility of each collection and better control, since we have everything we need to develop a product on a single platform. The process for designers is made so much simpler.
Capa de Ozono
When Crocs first started to work with Centric 8, there was a perception inside the organization that it was just a product system. What we’ve been able to do in the last couple of years is really change that philosophy and we’ve really seen Centric 8 become the heartbeat of the organization.
One of the strongest benefits of working with Centric is that information is fluid between different devices and tools like an iPad, iPhone or different computers.
We wanted a better overview of production schedules as well as development schedules to improve workflow among our teams and with our manufacturer in Vientam, and Centric PLM has made it happen.
Efficiency is up, the reduction in emails is just amazing and data accuracy has absolutely improved. We are confident that the information in Centric is accurate and the most up to date.
Four Hands
By working directly in PLM, the designers now have all their graphics saved in a library. This is major, as they never had a proper place to store their libraries before now and they were not able to attach the graphics to our previous Tech Packs.
We’re growing fast and, in order to develop innovative, high quality products efficiently, we needed a clear overview of who was doing what, where and when. Before Centric PLM, one of our biggest challenges was a lack of accountability, with each department using different tools and platforms.
Helly Hansen
“The strength and flexibility of Centric 8 can handle the shorter product development cycle we face, along with the more comprehensive, detailed sample development requests we require.”
Regina Miracle
“The ability to make changes almost instantaneously, thanks to the system’s configurability rather than custom code or reprogramming, means that Centric 8 will maximize derived value, minimize risk, and speed benefit delivery for Ted.”
Ted Baker
“The software’s scalability, along with the fact that it is designed for the specific needs of the apparel industry, will allow Cache Cache China to continue its fast-growth strategy.”
“Our move to Centric 8 is an important step forward in collecting vital product information in an organized, easy-to-access way. PLM will eliminate redundant data input, reduce errors and save time.”
“Centric provides a solution that allows the design staff to remain creative while providing improved insight into the upcoming collection for buying and production teams. Additionally, Centric 8 will improve our ability to collaborate with agents and suppliers, a key to Scotch & Soda’s continued success.”
Scotch & Soda
“Centric 8 gives us the ability to turn on capabilities as the business develops. The software’s flexibility will support the continuous evolution from one collection to another, including testing of new, closely related product categories.”
“Deeper, more comprehensive collaboration among Furla’s style, merchandising and product development teams will assure that on-trend products reach their international markets on-time.”
"Designed specifically for the apparel industry, Centric 8 provides a scalable, web-based enterprise solution—combined with a visionary mobile strategy—to meet the needs of Tommy Hilfiger Europe and those of Calvin Klein Europe."