Terms of Use
Terms of Use
The owner of the website centricsoftware.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is Centric Software, Inc. (“Centric Software”), 655 Campbell Technology Parkway, Suite 200, Campbell, CA 95008 USA.
The structure of the Site and all material on the Site, whether or not copyrighted or otherwise protected by applicable law, remains the sole and exclusive property of Centric Software.
Any reproduction, extraction, display, alteration, modification, adaptation or use of the Site or any of its elements, whether in whole or in part, regardless of their means and purposes, and more generally any act not expressly authorized by Centric Software, is strictly prohibited.
Centric Software’s copyrighted works, trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, website content, videos and other distinctive signs of Centric Software which are displayed on the Site are protected under trademark or copyright law. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.
The creation of hypertext links pointing to the Site is subject to the prior written approval of Centric Software’s authorized representatives.
This Site may be hyperlinked from and to other sites which are not maintained by, or related to, Centric Software. Centric Software expressly excludes any liability regarding the content, products or services provided through these sites with hypertext from/to the Site. Centric Software does not endorse or guarantee the products, information or recommendations provided by any such linked sites and is not liable for any failure of any products or services advertised on such sites. Centric Software further makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operations conducted at such other third party sites, or the accuracy or completeness of any information, content, materials or products included thereat, including, but not limited to, the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Centric Software shall make all commercially reasonable efforts to update the information posted on the Site. However, Centric Software does not warrant or represent that any of the information posted on the Site is accurate, up-to-date and/or complete. As a consequence, Centric Software shall not be liable in case of damage arising out of or in relation to the use by any person of the Site, notably in case of error in the use of the Site, low availability of the Site due notably to Internet connection problems or presence of viruses through the Site.