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Beat the Competition with Pricing Intelligence What is Competitor Price Monitoring & How Can Price Benchmarking Benefit You? Product Matching in Fashion and Footwear: Use and BenefitsExisting users
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The Fundamentals of Merchandise Financial Planning Assortment Planning: Get Your Product Mix Right A Comprehensive Guide to Omnichannel Retail Strategy Spreadsheets vs. Retail PlanningQuick links
Beat the Competition with Pricing Intelligence What is Competitor Price Monitoring & How Can Price Benchmarking Benefit You? Product Matching in Fashion and Footwear: Use and BenefitsExisting users
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The Art of Assortment Optimization: 5 Challenges Every Brand and Retailer Faces 5 Signs Line Planning and Assortment Planning Don’t Match Up Line Planning vs Assortment Planning Perfecting Profitable Assortments A Full Guide to Assortment OptimizationResults matter. Explore the compelling strategic and operational gains our customers have made using Centric PLM.
Industry focused. Solution specific. Join our team and customers for Centric PLM use cases, thought leadership, personal insights and more.
Retailers, manufacturers, businesses big and small, were all in the same boat when the world shut down due to COVID-19. Some were able to switch to their ‘backup generator’ immediately, while others struggled to stay afloat. Why?
Market disruptions are a signal for companies to lean into their agility. Digital transformation is the key to being agile and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the cornerstone of a sound digital platform that drives operational excellence.
It all boils down to a single source of the truth for product data. Accessible from anywhere at any time by anyone cleared to see it. Convenient, right?
Remote collaboration, seamless vendor communication, adapting your supply chain to the new reality, and better sample management are all hallmarks of a modern and capable PLM system. Not to mention serving as the engine to power the information needed for consumer-facing websites.
Centric Software brings Silicon Valley best-in-class, innovative PLM to companies in home, fashion, footwear, outdoor and consumer goods. 1250+ brands from 370+ companies of all sizes use Centric PLM.
Cherry on the cake: Centric deploys remotely in just a few weeks to a few months.
So what are you waiting for? Watch our PLM4ALL webinar replay to investigate your digital options today with demos by a PLM expert!