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[Industry Inside Scoop]
5 Food and Beverage Companies Share PLM Success

Explore 5 case studies showing how next-gen tech transforms product development by connecting people, products, processes, and data with one digital solution


real-life PLM success stories


efficiency and productivity


faster to market challenges

Looking for a product development solution that solves these challenges? 

Slow product launches and inability to react to market and supply chain changes

Lack of clear process for supplier collaboration and management

Inefficient exchange of information because of scattered product data

We know that with technology investment, the proof is in the pudding. Read our latest eBook, [Industry Inside Scoop] 5 Food and Beverage Companies Share PLM Success. You’ll hear directly from our food and beverage customers Great Kitchens, Wild Foods, Aviko, Starpro, Prodiet Medical Nutrition, and more about the benefits of PLM.  

Download the eBook and you’ll learn: 

How PLM streamlines each stage of the product development lifecycle

The impact of PLM on innovation, supplier collaboration, compliance, time to market, product margins and more

How to rapidly respond to meet market and supply chain challenges with PLM

About real-life PLM success stories with 5 customer case studies

Get your copy of the eBook today!